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The Centre for Computational Law has merged with the Centre for AI and Data Governance to form the Centre for Digital Law. The new Centre examines the transformative impact of digital technologies on legal systems, government, society, and economy. Our research, including the Research Programme on Computational Law, continue under its ambit. Our current website will remain operational in this transitional period but we strongly encourage you to visit our new website at and explore the updated features and content. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact our support team at

Martin Strecker

Principal Research Scientist


Martin Strecker obtained a diploma in computer science from the TU Darmstadt and the INP Grenoble. He then worked as teaching and research associate at the University of Ulm, where he earned a PhD degree on the topic of program and proof development in Type Theory. After a stint in industry, he returned to academia (TU München) where he contributed to a major verification effort with the Isabelle proof assistant that resulted in the definition of a semantics for Java and the Java runtime system and, in particular, the verification of a Java source to Java bytecode compiler. Since his appointment as associate professor at the University of Toulouse, he has worked on provably correct model transformations and consistency of graph databases. At CCLAW, he participates in the definition and formal foundations of the L4 language and works on proof support for its reasoning engine.